
Feeling overworked? Well, that’s probably because you are. And guess what? You’re not alone. It’s more difficult than ever to maintain the right balance between work and home. It seems focusing on one thing means the other suffers, and it weighs on your conscience. So how can you find the right balance?

The idea

What is right for others might not work for you. Concentrate on your own work requirements and life responsibilities. You energy is not unlimited. Do not work yourself till you burn out, leaving your other responsibilities missing you. Save energy for both your work and personal life. It’s important to do things in your day that keep your spirits up. Having a positive attitude goes a long way.

In practice

  • Leave work at work and avoid taking personal issues to work.
  • Learn to say no. If one is pulling you away from the responsibility of another, try to force a balance.
  • Drop activities that zap your energy. Our energy often gets zapped by procrastinating or overdoing tasks that we do not enjoy. If that’s the case, delegate the task to someone else.
  • Finally, the one thing everyone seems to be forgetting these days: Create time for yourself. Hobbies, time with family, date night. To have a healthy work-life balance, you need to be happy with yourself.