The way you pronounce your words and the tone of voice you use will have an impact on the effectiveness of any message. Here are four simple steps that will help you increase your vocal clarity:

Step 1: Slow down. Too many people speak quickly and almost in a monotone – please slow down. It will give you more confidence, not less.

Step 2: Keep your language simple. Don’t use big words, thinking you’ll impress people. Trust me, you won’t.

Step 3: Check for understanding. Ask your listeners if they have understood your pronunciation, since they may hesitate to tell you themselves.

Step 4: Take time to e-nun-ci-ate. Really articulate every word. It may feel rather unnatural to you at first, but stick with it. Your comfort level will rise, and your clarity will improve. This means your listener’s comfort level will increase.

Follow these four steps, and not only will your conversations be more productive, you’ll enhance your reputation too.